If you had to pick one guitarist you sound like.....

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04/20/2005 1:03 am
I'de like petrucci's speed, slash's passion, and I'de like for me to be at the top of my game, that'de be a good guitarist
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04/21/2005 9:39 am
ive always loved the sound of guitar if you could blend all these guys into 1 guitarist this would be who i want to be srv carlos santana gary moore albert king peter green jimi page johnny winter robin trower john lee hooker angus young with a touch of rory gallager and i would call myself jimi hendrix
# 2
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04/21/2005 6:21 pm
Originally Posted by: DreamRyche2112Who is it?

Idk you might be unique, but if there is one player in the universe that you sound like who is it? This DOES NOT mean you can play with the same type of greatness or non greatness as them though.

Mine would be across between Van Halen and Satiani. I like to play Legato style with many slides and pull-offs/ hammer-ons. But I also do alot of tapping. Bu whenever I play it sounds like some 70's/80's metal solo.

How bout you guys/girls?

im most like Avril Lavigne!
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] :D Luiza :D [/FONT]
# 3
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04/24/2005 4:45 pm
Personally I would want a cross between Daron Malakian, Trent,and zack wylde but unfortunatly it sounds more spanish than any thing
# 4

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