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X-shape Arpeggio

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This is an example of an X-shape arpeggio that can be played with a lot of legato and little picking and is fairly easy to work up to high tempos. I'm showing you the top part of an Em7 arpeggio (from the top note - D, B, G, E, D) in 7th position here but this technique can of course be applied to all kinds of arpeggios all over the neck, go explore! The main idea though is to use 3 strings and have 2 notes on the top string (whichever string you might choose), 1 note on the one below that and 2 notes on the last string. This makes it (kind of) look like an X!

I wrote out the pick strokes and as you can see you only have to pick 50% of the notes. This gives it a really nice and smooth sound!

Bonus tip: Raise the G to an Ab and the E to an F and you get a D diminished 7 arpeggio (D, F, Ab, Cb).

Lesson Info
Instructor Ben Lindholm