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Sweepin\' and Slidin\'

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This is just a little trick I learned after listening to Jason Becker (God) for a while. Sometimes instead of just sweeping up an arpeggio and coming back down he would throw a little double slide at the top of it.

It's a different sound. When used in context of a run or a riff/lick it can sound really cool.

This clip just shows the basic idea of what I'm talking about.

(For the 2nd one I just moved everything up 3 frets.)

The first one is just an A major arpeggio that is swept. Just sweep up to the top at the 12th fret, then slide up to 13, back to 12, up to 13, then back to 12, all without picking, before you go back down the arpeggio. The slides have to be done pretty fast to get the desired sound.

You can do this with all sorts of different arpeggios, as well as scale shapes. You don't always have to slide up just one fret, either. Sometimes I'll slide up 3 or 4 frets. Also, you can slide up 1 fret the first time, then maybe 3 frets the second time.

Now go, learn like the wind.

Lesson Info
Instructor Russ Lewis