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Stretching Exercise 1

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Here's some basic stretching exercises that I do before starting a guitar session. Nothing really fancy but some basic stretching.

Please always take it slow when doing stretching exercise as they do put a lot of strain on tendons. Hand injuries are very serious and trust me, they hurt :) .

Please look at the video to see how to do them. If you can't reach all frets, just do the patterns with less frets. From time to time try to go to the next fret you can't reach but don't go too far. If it hurst, stop! And don't do 15 minutes without any breaks. Do it a few patterns at a time and take breaks often. Pattern 4 is just like pattern 3 but you'll be mixing fingers. So the first frets with the second finger, then the third finger and finish it up with the pinky! As you can see the last fret is hard for me to do but I tried to push myself a bit

Do this before each session, slowly and carefully.

Lesson Info
Benoit Nadeau
Instructor Benoit Nadeau
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