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Magnus came out to visit here in the San Francisco bay area. He asked me to give him a lesson. Now, I have been playing guitar for 25 years, but Magnus practices much more than I do. He is quite advanced at many styles. So, I was at a loss. What do I teach this guy?

Well, Magnus may be good, but he is not old. So I had that going for me, I am old. What I did was, I showed him a trick everybody knew in the 80s. The trick is to use a delay effect that plays synchopated notes in time with the notes you pick. Then it sounds like a whole bunch of notes when really you are just playing a few notes. The Edge from U2 made this popular, but lots of us were doing it. My favorite use of it is on Pink Floyd\'s the wall.

For this technique, I usually use 304 milliseconds of delay. I make sure that the first delay repeat is at roughly equal volume with the original guitar sound.

Lesson Info
Jon Broderick
Instructor Jon Broderick
Videos / Score