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E Pentatonic Scale

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This is just a typical pentatonic scale in E Minor.

One thing you might want to try with pretty much any scale like this is picking it reversed from the way you would normally play it. For instance, here you would normally start with a downstroke (down, up, down, up, etc.). Instead, start with an upstroke (up, down, up, down, etc.) and learn your scales both ways. At first it's kinda strange but after a while you get used to it and hardly notice which way your picking it. This really helps your playing if you get lost in the middle of a solo and have to regroup yourself quickly.

Another thing you can try practicing is economy picking. Whenever you switch from one string to the next, and you're already picking downward, continue picking in a downward direction on to the next string. For example, below would be (down, up, down, down), instead of (down, up, down, up). The reason for doing this is cause you're already going in a downward direction anyways, so to speed
yourself up, eliminate the extra movement involved in lifting your pick over
the next string and picking backwards. Instead, follow through with the downstroke onto the next string. Think of it like miniature sweep picking. You're minimizing energy in your hand movement by using one pick stroke to cross from one string to the next highest one.

A great way of utilizing this for speed is by learning scales with 3 notes on
each string. That way whenever you switch strings you're always picking in a
downward motion.

Lesson Info
Instructor Kevin Taylor