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Hey, I made up a name: "Harponics." It's a combo of harp-type sounds coupled with tapping. ("Happing" or "Tarping" were even dumber sounding names. So, "Harponics" it is).

You need to set the action as low as possible on your guitar, use lots of compression and a large hall sound to make this work. Another useful tool for any kind of tapping work is one of those little soft fuzzy hair braid things that girls use. (see below) Leave one wrapped around the headstock just below the first fret. Then, if you're going to be doing something that tends to leave open notes ringing on uncontrollably, you can quickly grab it and slide it over the first or second fret for more control. It's got just enough elasticity to dampen the strings but it's loose enough so that you can still play open notes without having them completely muted. When you're finished with it, just push it back onto the headstock and continue where you left off.

This is a short section of that Wizard of Oz song, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". Try to vary the speed and dynamics of your playing to give a bit of feel to it. With enough experimenting you can play just about any song like this.

This is also a kool warm-up exercise for all the fingers of both hands. For a little added challenge, try tapping from above with the guitar in your lap.

Lesson Info
Instructor Kevin Taylor