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Speedy Ideas Series 4: Advanced Minor Soloing
Christopher will show you how to expand on building speed at playing single note melodic soloing lines. We will apply the skills and ideas taught in the previous speedy idea tutorials to a chord progression in a minor key. We'll learn linear lines, pedal point lines and arpeggio lines.
Lesson Info
Christopher Schlegel
- Styles:
- Difficulty:
- Files
- 18 Videos / 16 Score
- Published
Tutorial Lessons
- Speedy Ideas Series 4: Introduction
- Minor Chord Progression
- Tonic (i) Scale Lines
- Dominant (V) Scale Lines
- Secondary Dominant (V of V) Scale Lines
- Practicing Scale Lines
- Scale Lines Play Along
- Tonic (i) Pedal Point Lines
- Dominant (V) Pedal Point Lines
- Secondary Dominant (V of V) Pedal Point Lines
- Practicing Pedal Point Lines
- Pedal Point Lines Play Along
- Tonic (i) Arpeggio Lines
- Dominant (V) Arpeggio Lines
- Secondary Dominant (V of V) Arpeggio Lines
- Practicing Arpeggio Lines
- Arpeggio Lines Play Along
- Speedy Ideas Series 4: Conclusion