This tutorial on basic hybrid picking exercises was inspired by a young man who asked me how to get started hybrid picking. I'll show you a variety of exercises that you can do to develop your hybrid picking. In the first five lessons I'll show you some basic exercises using the A, G, E, C, and D chords. Next I'll show you a couple using barre chords, and then how to alternate the bass notes using the A, D, C, and B chords.
Lesson Info
J.D. Jarrell
- Styles:
- Difficulty:
- Files
- 11 Videos / 11 Score
- Published
Tutorial Lessons
- Your First Hybrid Picking Exercise
- Your Second Hybrid Picking Exercise
- Your Third Hybrid Picking Exercise
- Your Fourth Hybrid Picking Exercise
- Your Fifth Hybrid Picking Exercise
- Your Sixth Hybrid Picking Exercise
- Your Seventh Hybrid Picking Exercise
- The A Chord, Alternating Bass
- The D Chord, Alternating Bass
- The C Chord, Alternating Bass
- The B Chord, Alternating Bass