In the following lessons, we’ll learn about 1/4 note and 1/8 note arpeggiation, combining downstrokes and upstrokes, using palm muting, and arpeggiating in 4/4 as well as 6/8 time. We’ll play through plenty of examples, and finish up with a practice tune that combines everything we’ve learned.
Lesson Info
Mike Olekshy
- Styles:
- Difficulty:
- Files
- 12 Videos / 10 Score
- Published
Tutorial Lessons
- Chord Arpeggiations In Rock: Welcome
- Chord Arpeggiations In Rock: Gear & Tone
- Simple Example
- Eighth Notes, Down & Up Strokes
- Palm Muting
- 6/8 Time Signature
- Unique Picking Pattern
- Practice Tune: Intro
- Practice Tune: Verse
- Practice Tune: Chorus
- Chord Arpeggiations In Rock: Practice Tune Performance
- Chord Arpeggiations In Rock: Jam Along