The Police Songs

The Police
© Fin Costello/Redferns/Getty Images
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In this eight lesson tutorial we'll be learning the song "Message in a Bottle", as made famous by The Police. This tune broke as a hit on the cusp of the 1980s, and was one the of the songs that propelled The Police to superstardom. Anders Mouridsen will teach you the jazzy, driving main verse riff, the harmonized guitar part that goes along with the main riff, the rockin' first half of the chorus, the quiet reggae second half, the leads, and he'll also talk a bit about the tone and effects. As always, he'll play it all through in a full performance.

Published: 11/28/2010

In these song lessons we'll learn the classic radio hit "Every Breath you Take", as made famous by The Police. Henrik Linde will guide you through the gear and tone, the add 9 chords, the chords and progressions in the different sections of the song, the rhythmic elements, and the right hand techniques used. Then we'll play through it all in a full performance.

Published: 12/10/2010

Here we're taking a close look at another Police classic, "Roxanne". This song was a huge hit and broke The Police into stardom. It's another example of Andy Summers unique style of rhythm and chord voicings, and Sting's songwriting approach of incorporating reggae rhythms and . Anders Mouridsen will break down the gear and tone, the intro rhythm, the song form (verses, pre-chorus, and chorus), the interesting chord voicings, and the play it through in a full performance.

Published: 12/11/2010

In this song tutorial of eleven lessons, Mike Olekshy crawls to the surface to teach you "Synchronicity II" as made famous by The Police. Mike will dish out all you need to know here: the tone and effects, the main intro riff, all the sections of the song that follow the lyrics, the dynamics, and more. There's power chords in here, clean arpeggiated riffs, single note motifs, and a wall of noise solo where you can really let loose!

Published: 02/18/2011

In this tutorial Anders Mouridsen will show you everything that happens in the studio version of the classic song "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da" as made famous by The Police. This song was huge hit at the time. Anders will teach you the main riff with the heavy chorus effect, the palm muted arpeggio parts in the verses, the punctuated rhythms in the pre-choruses, the elements that occur in the bridge, and take you through it all in a full performance.

Published: 03/17/2011

In this tutorial Anders Mouridsen will break down every note that you hear on the studio version of "Can't Stand Losing You" as made famous by The Police in 1978. There's so much great stuff to learn from this song since the track is packed with awesome guitar parts and interesting grooves from the rhythm section. There are reggae influenced rhythm guitars, power-punk parts, ambient harp harmonics, super creative use of effects and much more, so get tuned up and ready for some Police action!

Published: 03/17/2011

In this six lesson tutorial, Henrik Linde will take you through "Murder By Numbers", as made famous by The Police. We'll take a look at the tone and effects, then the jazzy chords and voicing used in the verses, choruses, and bridge. The we'll tie it all together; Henrik will perform the song so you can play along, then it's your turn to jam along by yourself with the "band".

Published: 04/17/2011

Mike Olekshy has become one of our Police experts, and in this tutorial he'll teach you the guitar parts to "Spirits in the Material World", as made famous by The Police. Mike will talk about the gear and tone, then teach you the ska verse, the lines in the chorus, the ascending/descending chords in the bridge, and as a bonus he'll show you the synth line melody on guitar. Then it's time to play the whole song in a play-along performance.

Published: 08/09/2011

In these lessons, Douglas Showalter will teach "So Lonely", as made famous by The Police. Doug will introduce the song and talk about gear and tone, then teach the first verse rhythms and licks, then the 1st chorus. We'll move on to verse and chorus 2, then learn the rhythm under the solo. The solo is next in two parts; then we'll look at the outro choruses and the bridge. We'll end with full and single guitar performances, and a jam along.

Published: 10/16/2013