The Hold Steady Songs

The Hold Steady
© David Corio/Redferns/Getty Images
Artist / Title / Progress
Difficulty / style

In this song tutorial, Henrik Linde will teach you "The Swish", by The Hold Steady. We'll look at the song as a whole and peek at the tones and gear, then launch into the intro parts for the 2 guitars. Next up is the jam section and the short lead part; Henrik will follow that with the verse and chorus elements. Then we're on to the mini solo, and the outro of the song. We conclude with a play along, then mute the guitar audio so you can jam with the band.

Published: 09/18/2012

In this set of lessons, Mike Olekshy will teach you "Your Little Hoodrat Friend" by The Hold Steady. After giving an overview of the song and a look at the gear and tones, Mike will break down the "soft" verses. Next up is - you guessed it - the loud verses. Following that, Mike will teach you the pre-chorus and the chorus parts. We'll conclude with a play along performance, then you'll play the song by yourself in the jam along.

Published: 12/05/2012

In this series of lessons, Mike Olekshy will teach you "Sequestered In Memphis", by The Hold Steady. We'll look at the song as a whole and discuss gear and tone, then break down the great main riff in the intro. Next up is the verse riff, then the riff for the pre-chorus. The lead fill licks come next, then we'll do a play along and a single guitar performance. Last up is the jam along, where you take over.

Published: 03/13/2013