Elvis Presley Songs

Elvis Presley
© Hulton Archive/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Artist / Title / Progress
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In this series of lessons we'll break down the parts of the 50s classic "Jailhouse Rock", as made famous by the inimitable Elvis Presley. The guitarist on the original recording is Scotty Moore, of the fathers of early rock 'n' roll. He tuned down for this song to accommodate Elvis' vocal range. You'll learn the form of the song, the feel of the rhythm, the solo, and play through the whole classic tune with a play along. Let's rock!

Published: 08/17/2010

In this eight lesson set, Henrik Linde will teach you the rock 'n' roll standard "Heartbreak Hotel" as made famous by Elvis Presley. Henrik will talk about the old school rockabilly tone, and those snappy ensemble hits. He'll clue you in to that classic blues-based rock 'n' roll riff on the IV chord, and also examine the V chord and the turnaround. He'll show you the simple but very cool and effective solo, the slight change in the last verse, and then you'll play along in a full play-through!

Published: 02/18/2011

In this song tutorial, Henrik Linde will teach you "Love Me Tender", as made famous by Elvis Presley. Henrik will talk about the song a bit then the acoustic tone, after which he'll go right into breaking down the verse part. Next up is the chorus section, and the appraoch to the ending of the song. Lastly you'll play along through the song with Henrik, then follow the vocals in the jam along.

Published: 05/23/2012

In this set of song lessons, Lee Wanner will teach you "That's All Right", by Elvis Presley. Lee will clue you into the overall song and the gear and tones, then launch right in with the acoustic intro, followed by the verse and refrain. Then it's time to look at the electric guitar: first the rhythm elements, then the solo, and finally the outro to the song. We'll conclude with a play along, then you'll take over in the jam along.

Published: 12/19/2012

In this tutorial Mike Olekshy will teach you the gospel song "His Hand in Mine", as recorded by Elvis Presley. Mike will start off by giving an overview of the lessons, then he'll break down the simple chords and strumming in the A section of the song. The B section chords and strumming come next, then we'll learn the outro/ending of the song. We'll do a play along performance, then top it all off with a "guitar karaoke" jam along.

Published: 06/05/2013

In this set of lessons, Sharon Aguilar will teach "Burning Love", recorded and performed by Elvis Presley. Sharon will introduce the song then talk about gear and tone, then teach the intro and verse parts for the two guitars. The parts for the chorus and bridge are next, including a 3rd effected guitar. We'll look at the outro parts for all three guitars before we head to full and single guitar performances, then a jam along.

Published: 07/13/2014

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to play "Suspicious Minds" as performed by Elvis Presley. This classic track features an up tempo feel that changes halfway through, and then comes back up for a huge outro that fades out the track. At the center of the song, guiding the whole track, is a telecaster electric guitar using a variety of cool techniques with a simple clean tone. These include some hybrid picking, some steady rhythm playing during the choruses, and strong, rhythm guitar playing on the back beat in 6/8 time along with arpeggios during the bridge.

Published: 07/13/2015