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After our first chorus, we have a three bar interlude. We learned what Guitar #1 plays during this section for rhythm, and now we are going to take a look at what our acoustic is playing during this part. We will continue playing some cool blues style licks into our second verse.

With C7 starting off this section, we will start this part with a higher register slide. You will move from D to Db quickly on the high D string, followed by a slide from A up the B string.

The next line is a bit busier, also using our G string on E to start things off and then picking it up moving all the way up to our 14th fret on our high D string.

To end this section over the last bar, we will be playing a descending line that ends on our E chord tone of Emi7(b5.) This does a great job of taking us out of this section, moving from Bb, to A, and then resolving to E into our second verse.

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