The chord progression for our choruses is a series of barre chords using our 7 string with some cool anticipations, and a wall of distortion. Here's some key points to help you through it:
1. The chord progression for the chorus is:
|| A5 E5 | C5 Bb5 | A5 E5 | C5 Eb5 ||
2. It is played twice for the first and second chorus, and four times for the final round of choruses.
3. The Bb is played on the "e" of beat 4 every time it comes around, while Eb5 is played on the downbeat every time it comes around followed by another sixteenth note that rings out and finishes the bar.
4. All other chords are played on the downbeat and ring for two beats each, except the C5 which rings for 3 beats and an additional sixteenth the first time and for an entire measure the second time.
5. The last chorus will hit on the downbeat of 1 and the low A5 will ring out to end the song.
Lesson Info
Tutorial Lessons
- Falling Away From Me: Introduction
- Feeling Tired: Gear & Tone
- Screaming So Sound: Main Melody
- Spinning Round and Round: Main Riff
- Beating Me Down: Guitar 2 - Verses
- Into the Ground: Chorus
- Beating Me Down: Guitar 2 - Chorus
- Go Away: Bridge
- Falling Away From Me: Full Performance
- Falling Away From Me: Single Guitar
- Falling Away From Me: Jam Along