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All About Tapping: Part 3

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The hardest part of playing multiple notes with the right hand is training
your pinky to come down in the same spot every time. Because it's the most
difficult finger to get cooperation from, most guitar players tend to ignore it
or avoid using it altogether. This exercise will help to strengthen your pinky and get you ready for some of the more complex stuff to come.

Tap with your right hand first finger on the 17th fret, then tap with your
right hand pinky on the 21st. Use your right pinky to pull back off to the 17th,
then pull, pull, hammer and repeat. Then drop down to the B string and do the
same thing. Move down a couple of frets and repeat it.

You can play this over the chords A E G D then if you want to continue, drop the whole thing down a couple more frets and use it over the chords G F, C then end on B.

Lesson Info
Instructor Kevin Taylor
All About Tapping: Part 3
Tutorial Lessons