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Boom Chick Fingerpicking

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Let's begin with the thumbwork! We're going to play all 8th notes, which means two notes per beat and the thumb will be going nonstop.

You build a boom chick bassline by grabbing any chord and starting on the root note. Let's take a C major chord for example. We start on the C on the 3rd fret, A string. Then we go up to E, 2nd fret D string. Since our root note is on the fifth string we will jump down to the sixth string for our third note to find the fifth, which is G on the 3rd fret. The fourth note is the same as the second note.

If your root is on the low E string you would skip one string for the second note. Take an F bar chord for example. We start on the first fret of the low E, which is F (the root). Then we jump up to the octave, F again, 3rd fret D string. After that we move down to the fifth, C on the 3rd fret of the A string. Then repeat the octave of the root.

There are many variations and ultimately you decide what to play, but these are the basics! Try to construct boom chick basslines from all the chords you know.

Lesson Info
Instructor Ben Lindholm
Boom Chick Fingerpicking