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Chord Tone Soloing

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In our last lesson we are going to take a look at what happens when you are playing a chord progression that isn't in one key. This really demonstrates the idea of playing with "chord tones" and how getting this concept down will get you even farther from simply playing scale patterns. This progression will be in 6/8, and will feature the following chords and chord tones;

A - A, C#, E

Dmi - D, F, A

Gmi - G, Bb, D

C - C, E, G

Bb - Bb, D, F

Like our blues lesson, we are going to outline the chord tones playing arpeggios so you can hear the chords playing single notes. Once we work through the arpeggios, I will than show you a solo lick that let's you jam on this progression. As usual, I will play the solo lick and than it's your turn to either play the lick or the chord tones. Than, it's jam time!

Lesson Info
Chord Tone Soloing