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Basic Hybrid Picking Exercises

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In this one we're using a D chord, but it's the same exercise. By now keeping your fingers together should almost be a habit, and you should be feeling more comfortable with these exercises.

Play the open 4th string with the pick, and the double stop with your fingers. In this one you pull up on the 2nd, and 3rd strings with the middle and ring finger.

Again we're not using any muting techniques on this, but I hope you've at least tried it by now. If you haven't that's alright, since we will cover this later on.

This one is a root/5 exercise too, the root is the open 4th (D) string. The 3rd (G) string in the 2nd fret is an A note, and that's the 5th. The 2nd (B) string in the 3rd fret, is another D note.

Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Basic Hybrid Picking Exercises