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The Jack Johnson Style

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Mixing up a series of two note voicings, Jack Johnson's rhythm guitar ability mixed with his choice of chords has always catered to his singer-songwriter craft.

Using an up tempo groove and an interesting picking pattern, this example demonstrates a series of two note voicings that creates an interesting progression. The use of such limited chords creates a diverse sound that transcends genres and melodically works very well.

In the key of G major, a mixture of thirds, fourths, and fifths are used to create a very bouncy progression that works well for a solid verse to a song. Moving from the two note voicings to full chords at the end further validates the strength in those chord choices, allowing for a chorus to follow.

This crafty harmonic technique is just one of many Jack Johnson uses to bring life to his songs. 

A similar technique can be heard in Jack Johnson's song, "Taylor."

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The Jack Johnson Style