Well, it all started back in school. Word got around amongst my friends that I'm uncircumcized (how they knew is a short and stupid story that I'll not bore you with). So anyway, the talk of foreskin kept going on for a while and eventually the suggestion of a tattoo on it came up. As time passed I liked the idea more and more and one day at a temporary job of mine about a year ago I scribbled a design and thought it would look good there. A year later I now have it there and I love it. I highly recommend a tattoo on your dick, it's not at all what you'd expect. Though I will say it does sense danger and mine shrank to a size I've not seen in years, but other than that it's great and worth it.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.