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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
03/23/2004 7:05 pm
Originally posted by basics
haha, sorry about that, kids. I don't even remember writing that. I only made it to 18 too.
Ah, yes - blurred memories of miss-spent youth...

In September 1975, I had just moved to Ottawa. I was staying at a buddy's place while I saved up the first-and-last money for my own apartment.

We decided to throw a party on a Sunday afternoon, and invited everyone we could think of. In honour of the ocaision, we went across the river to Hull, Quebec, and brought home a two-four of Molson Bras D'Or. Back then, all Canadian beer came in "brown stubby" bottles (no twist-off caps). Bras D'Or was a special Quebec-only brew with 8.6% alcohol.

We started in on the pints while we were waiting for our guests to show up. Pretty soon the case was empty. So we went back to Chenier Frere's depanneur in Hull for another two-four of Bras D'Or. Still no guests. So we picked up where we left off.

By the time we finshed that case, it was well into the evening and we were pretty sure nobody was going to show up, so we only got 12 Bras D'Or on the next trip.

By the time we finished off the 12-pack, it was late enough that even Chenier's was closed. No guests. All out of beer, again! We went to bed.

So... we each drank 30 Bras D'Or between 11 AM Sunday and 2 AM Monday. And went to work at 7 AM!

Men in their early 20's act like they're immortal - there may be some truth to that assumption!
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