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Joined: 11/22/01
Posts: 132
Registered User
Joined: 11/22/01
Posts: 132
12/14/2004 2:06 pm
Congratulations to u10ajf on the depths achieved while contemplating love. I need an emotional background behind sex, otherwise it's pale in comparison. I like sex but I don't need it. I do need love, but I don't like it because I'm a SuperNiceGuy who is always ****ed up when the story ends and need months to recover. Looking straight in the eyes of a girl passing me by and hearing her 'comments' about what should be done is enough to feed my ego and make me feel good. I do, however, get drunk or high enough not to care about it, and remember almost nothing in the morning, but in that state I could have as well climbed a tree to feed the birdies or barked at the dogs.
I'm most sattisfied with my playing when I'm not having sex for a while and am emotionally broken for whatever reason. Breaking up with a girlfriend after 5 years a year ago was a revelation. She liked me playing the guitar at the beginning, but started complaining soon, which effectively reduced my inspiration to 10%.
Being in love can inspire me for a shorter period. The most beautifull song I've ever composed was induced by a girl I've never even kissed.
Now I should spend a while writing fun stories about sex to blend in but I choose not to.
Impendance is fruitfull
while the buttons are circled.:eek: