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Official PRSplaya Groupie
Joined: 12/04/05
Posts: 661
Official PRSplaya Groupie
Joined: 12/04/05
Posts: 661
03/03/2006 11:00 am
Now this thread is better, (well except when everyone was giving up sizes..) at least there are partners....

From a woman's point of view... I love sex, I love everything about it. I have great sex and not great sex. I guess being my age - I'm starting to ramp into my sexual prime, because it seemed as soon as I hit a certain age - POW... I wanted it all the time...

I don't know if other women are like this, but if a man can't overpower me in bed - I really dont want anything to do with him after that.... All that gentle crap that woman go on about - well I just don't get it.. (I shouldn't say that - I like it to start with - you know to feel wanted and all but once that fires lit - watchout - anything goes)....

It's too early in the morning to keep talking this way - I won't get anything done :)
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