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Tele Master
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Joined: 08/02/02
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Tele Master
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Joined: 08/02/02
Posts: 1,329
01/02/2004 4:16 pm
Thats what you like, but maybe not the other guy. You can't say "this is what your looking for" because, actually it was what you were looking for. It's an opinion.

You didn't even explain what it sounds like. So that doesn't help anyone very much. Just because your not satisfied with Marshall's doesn't mean that they won't work for someone else. I don't like Marshall's either, but I'm not going to push someone to by a Fender because it works for me.

Jealous, go buy an EQ pedal, MXR makes a 6-band,and 10band, and BOSS makes a 7-band, and 10-band. If they don't work out for you, then you may want to consider buying different speakers, different amp, or other pedals to brighten up ure tone. I use BOSS Blues Driver, gain set to low, level and tone high, as a Treble boost.
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