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Man, this doesn't have much to do with anything, but I've been going through some different types of styles lately and I came upon this one tune: Slayer - Death's Head. This to me is such a decent song it's incredible. Technically, it blows and lyrically I have no clue whatsoever. But the main riff is one of those kinds that just appears out of nowhere and just works. You know the kind that I'm talking about - take your favorite riff of your own and odds are its one of those that didn't take a lot to make out, it just is the coolest riff and relatively easy to play, it just works. Add the right drum beat to compliment it and you've got yourself a hit song. No Slayer song that I've come about is technical, most are stupid but this one I really like because it's felt. Been awhile since I've heard a felt song.