Originally posted by Benoit
The people around you are only tourist in your life, don't try to impress them. Most of them will be gone from your life in a couple of years. The ones that will stay will not be there because your tried to impress them with the girls you get or the things you do, but because you are yourself around them.
AMEN to that.
dude, you obviously have a problem. your problem is fear. fear from what others might think about you. when you ditch that woman, you avoid that problem instead of facing it and work on it. thats the WORST thing you can do in your life - running away form problems.
imagine yourself standing in a snow-covered valley. to your sides huge mountains. those surroundings are your life. then a small snowball rolld down from one of the mountains. this is your problem. instead of standing tall and stoping that little snowball, you step aside. the lil ball rolls up the mountain on the other side and whilst rolling it gathers material and grows. after a while it turns around and comes back again. and again you aviod it and step aside. yo udo that several times untill the snowball has turned into a huge mass of snow and you cannot get out of its way anymore. this time it runs you over.
i hope you understand what i want to say with that - work on your problems as long as they are still small. this is YOUR chance dude - dont turn your tail and flee. you will regret it later.
who cares what the others say. YOU HAVE ONLY GOT THIS LIFE (at least you have to assume this worst-case scenario). do you realy want to stand there at the end of your life saying to yourself "i always did what the others wanted - but i never did what i wanted to. but in my next life i´ll know better"?? think about it. there might not be a next life....
[Edited by Azrael on 11-18-2003 at 04:16 AM]
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]