I now how you feel, I felt the same way when I started.
What worked for me, was quiting the theory for a long period of time and start using my ears even more than I used to. Find out what YOU think sounds cool, listen to alot of music and sort out the cord progression BY EAR, instead of reading the music somewhere.
What often happens when people "only" read music and play by this, they lack in natural musical talent, not that they don't have it, but you need to train this talent and help it come to life in your music expression. Forget theory (for now) and start being more emotional and use/train your musical ear. You'll know your ear is good enough, when you can determine the key for a certain song or even play the cords or rip-off a part of the solo, just be listening.
Try also to record your playing, so you can hear what you're actually producing and in that way, you can say to yourself "that sounds cool!" or "that sucks, even though it looks cool doin' it on the frets!". In time, your on style and inner self will burst through your ****in' amp!!! :)