I guess overall, I'm inspired by alot of the bands from the late sixties through early seventies, Led Zeppelin, Credence Clearwater, The Beatles, around this time the bands were given more freedom to be themselves and get across their ingenuous message. Also it had alot to do with the fact that they knew more about rock music than the hot shot producers around that time, but now it seems ;like its just a big guessing game as to who can score the next big act. It has really made a mockery out of everything that used to be respectable in the rock industry, its more than obvious that the top rock bands of today have impure intentions based primarily on money...Not to say that there arent any good acts out today, but its getting much easier to differentiate rockstars from musicians...
-Joseph :)
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."