how to remember how many times a section repeats

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04/12/2024 9:34 pm

I'm an advanced beginner but thought I'd leap into My Sharona.   How do you keep track of how many times a section calls for to repeat.  There is one for 23 lines to repeat.... I lose track after 4.    Love the course.  Ron

# 1
William MG
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William MG
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04/12/2024 11:36 pm

Just keep practicing the song over and over Ron, don't try counting out 23 times. Eventually you will just be in time with the tune. 


This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 2
Mike Olekshy
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Mike Olekshy
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04/15/2024 8:48 pm

Thanks for the question Ron - and thanks for jumping in with a great suggestion Bill!

You must be referring to the lengthy solo section, which repeats the same progression for a long time. This is a tough one. If you are simply playing along with the track (and no other guitars are playing), you can lose track where you are very easily, since there are no vocals to key off of. In this case, it is challenging to know where you are without counting.

A great skill to work on developing is being able to naturally feel every 4 or 8 bars. In this case, twice or 4 times through the progression. If you can get a sense of each chunk of 4 or 8 bars, then you don't have to count every single bar or repeats of the progression. Also - you'll notice that the drums will play a fill every 8 or 4 bars, so maybe that's something to key off of.

Hope this helps!!

Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach

# 3
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05/13/2024 12:05 pm

Thanks for answering, I will keep it in mind.

# 4
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06/06/2024 2:15 am

I admire the creativity and originality of your post.

Strands NYT

# 5

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