Stuck on what ?

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03/30/2024 8:05 pm

I have been studying down the Beginner path and have hit a roadblock

I am at the lesson(s) for melody and specifically o"n the “Twinkle Twinkle”  part

I am not sure what I am looking to accomplish from these exercises - I can get them but it takes awhile

I feel I am trying to memorize the notes, which I would have to do for every song  I

What do I derive from the notation ? facility of picking / learning where notes are on the fretboard?

I am sure it is just one little thing that will “open the floodgate”

Or Not ??

You are doing a great job with the lessons and hope we can find a solution



Jim Matthews


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04/02/2024 9:01 pm

Hey, Jim.  I'll try to reply to each point.

"I am not sure what I am looking to accomplish from these exercises - I can get them but it takes awhile"

This lesson is about 2 things:  the major scale & playing single note melodies.

You are learning what the major scale looks like (the pattern it forms on one part of the guitar fretboard) & what it sounds like to make a melody with it.  You are also learning the skill of minimal motion required to to play one note at a time by isolating one note at a time with your fretting hand and picking hand.  And by combining that into a recognizable melody you will hopefully know right away if you are doing it correctly (playing the right notes, in the right order, in correct time).

It's a simple exercise but Anders is combining quite a few important musical skills you will need going forward.

"I feel I am trying to memorize the notes, which I would have to do for every song"

Yes, that's the process of learning to play any song.  You have to start small & slow by learning the notes in order, in time.  The more you repeat it, this melody or any piece of music, the more it becomes second nature & easier to think in larger units (a measure of notes, a whole phrase, a whole melody).

"What do I derive from the notation ?"

The notation shows you exactly what notes to play in what order.

". . . facility of picking / learning where notes are on the fretboard?"

Yes, it shows you where the notes are, which ones to play.  And doing this over & again helps you to make the motions (and the music) gradually more automated so you can eventually do it as if it were second nature.  This is a necessary part of learning to play music.

"You are doing a great job with the lessons and hope we can find a solution"

I'm assuming this is directed to Anders.  If you'd like to communicate with him about this lesson you can post a message in his instructor forum at this link.

Hope that helps!


Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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04/11/2024 3:19 pm

Many Thanks !!!

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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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04/11/2024 6:17 pm

You're welcome!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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