Been sat playing for a few hours now and my pinky is much improved, few more months and ill be happy with that.. but have now discoverd something else i need help with - simply my picking hand, specifically when changing strings.
been doing the old chromatic excercises ... 1234, 1234, etc
and once i get above maybe 120 / 130 bpm im having problems picking the string cleanly esp going downwards ( 4321)
What im after i guess is a rundown on how you should change strings while picking - a rundown of the exact movement you should make - is it the hand, the wrist, the elbow the arm that moves? (or should) and of course alternte picking brings a complete set of confusion - how to pick an upstroke after a downstroke while changing strings and vice versa. I can do it quite quick just with open strings, but would like some pointers as to 'correct' picking technique resp alternate picking across strings.
Im finding as i move across the strings im REALLY tensing up in my right lower arm, cant seem to stop this - and also something else ive noticed - if i go down the strings from the top £ plying 1234 on each for example, when i get to the bottom string my left hand is stretchinga bit - i guess i need to move my palm more away from the bottom edge of the neck caus eit always seems to end up pushed against it.
any excercises / advice folks?
"This is way too much pressure!"