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Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
Mike Olekshy
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 09/21/10
Posts: 1,064
10/17/2023 3:44 pm
#1 Originally Posted by: jamboss1

Hey Mike, I was wondering what settings you used for the chorus pedal on Come as you are. For some reason it wasn't on the gear and tone page. Thanks 

Hey Jamboss! Kurt used an Electro-Harmonix Small Clone on the track. If you happen to have that pedal, the suggested settings are the Rate knob about 75%, and the Depth switch set to off.

However, you can replicate that sound with a regular chorus pedal. Experiment with the Rate and Depth knobs somewhere between 60% and 80%.

Hope this helps - let me know how it goes!


Keep rockin!
Mike Olekshy
GT Guitar Coach