Sometimes I discover GT lessons on YouTube and would MUCH prefer to watch it here. One of the many reasons I pay for GT is how annoying I find YT ads. A good current example is Gary Heimbauer's
Guitar Tips that Will Make you Sound PRO
Searching for that by the YT title doesn't turn up anything here. Going to the Instructor's page and sorting by "Newest" doesn't work either.
Is there a time delay between when it's put on YT and when it appears here?
Could you put a link in the YT description that leads to the lesson on the site for subscribers?
Those lessons are usually on the Channel page.
And can usually be found on the specific instructor page but usually in a collection of tutorials. So, in this case, go to Gary's page.
But it looks like that set is not showing up yet, so there is sometimes a delay.
Hope that helps!