What should happen with your left hand thumb when your playing (for example scles) - mine tends to move a bit as i cross the fretboard. should it be locked in the same place on the neck no matter which string you are playing?
if not, can few folks describe how their thumb moves when - for example they play a simple pentatonic scale (eg 5 8, 5 7, 5 7, 5 7, 5 8, 5 8,)
When im soloing mythum tends to shift and hook over the top of the neck sometimes too, subconciously - like when you play chords..
If your thumb is meant to remain static while you play scales etc, where abouts on the neck should it be and how much pressure should it be excerting on the bck of the neck? especially when playing DOWN a scale from the top string.
Thanks for any guideance on this mystery... hehe
"This is way too much pressure!"