Slash's Equipment

Led Zeppelin
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Led Zeppelin
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07/01/2003 9:14 pm
Originally posted by ^Chacron^
Slash made me realise how important it was to have a distinctive tone - its one of the things that sets him apart from many players - plus he has a tone that matches his style and anyone who can acomplish this deserves much respect. He also bears in mind the melody of a song when soloing, and thinks about how the chords behind the solo affect how the solo sounds....for example: try playing that awesome scale-based run in the middle of the Sweet Child of Mine solo without the chord progression behind it and you'll find it sounds very different.

Well I think Slashs tone is very natural, its all from his fingers ya know? He doesnt hide behind loads of distortion or pedals, its something I aspire to... being distinctive without relying on "technology" And yeah the chords for the SCOM solo are cool, especially the first part(I love the C-B7 change, best moment in music for me).

The band with Slash, Izzy, Matt and Duff is Velvet revolver, theres a thread about them in one of the other forums here. Izzy is a silent member of the band, he wrote 10 songs with them but theres another guitarist whos actually in the band, cant remember his name. Scott Weiland is the singer
# 1
The Haunted made me do it
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The Haunted made me do it
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07/01/2003 9:16 pm
Thanks for the info,sounds great
# 2
The Haunted made me do it
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The Haunted made me do it
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07/02/2003 10:57 am
Ok,I know what you were saying and so do you,call it a day,white pony.

Slash is up there with the other icons along with a bunch of others

# 3
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07/03/2003 5:29 pm
Thats the beauty of slash, his tone is very natural! And thats why I hate guitarists whose solos are defined by digital effects! Tom morrelo, man if you got a five year old kid to bang on his guitar the digital effects would still produce a mad decent solo! His solos arent about the notes hes playing, they are about the technology.
# 4
Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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07/04/2003 3:11 am
Guitarists from the 80's will not get the proper recognition until twenty years from now, after the Britney Spears DJ music falls to the ground, and people say "hey, i love that great 80's tone!". Think about it, Jimi Hendrix has become more well-known since his death, he's more well known now than he was when he was alive.

And by the way

A general rule of thumb in forums is

"Do not piss off the vets".

Why? The "Vets" or "Grizzled Veterans" as Rask so confidently named it so long ago, are, as the mafia called them, "Made Men". These guys have been around for a long time, and have a certain amount of respect because of the knowledge they pour out.

I'm just telling everyone because there has been many wasted pages of arguments (especially around late July, into August, when the heat gets unbearable)...and by the way, in most cases, people will back the vet over the newbie.
# 5

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