Micheal you bring up some interesting points concerning potential financial problems. Can't help but notice the selection of songs for lessons over the past weeks/months. There have been some good ones but also unusual Stones and other obscure songs. We're told you can request songs to learn and I'd imagine by popular vote, but I don't know anyone who'd request Factory Girl or All I Want Is My Baby, when there are immensely greater songs by the Stones. Things that make you go hmmmm. C'mon GT, don't fail us now.
GT has also have been having much more frequent $99 subscription for the year sales which would be consistent with trying to generate income. Tangentially, FenderPlay has also eliminated some of their more expensive features such as weekly live sessions. This all may part of a post pandemic revenue pull back for the category as people who originally signed up have dropped off and gone back to their old busier lives. Plus as we all know it ain't easy to learn guitar so alot of people who were orignally enthusiastic may have dropped it. Check Reverb to see if there are alot of newer guitars being sold. Just my two cents...which ain't worth much.
Long Live Rock!