I had heard that in 1975, we gave them one nuclear Bomb to use as intimidation for any nation that wants to invade, which would be a reason why no nation has invaded Israel since '73 (to my knowledge). I thought that Kissinger or somebody important like that had suggested it, and we actually did that. Hm......
In no way are the Palestinians right and the Israeli's wrong. If the Israeli's are wrong, then everyone's wrong.
The Palestinians aren't doing any justice by blowing up bus-loads of people, and until that is realized, there will be no progress. You can say
"That's just because they are killing our militants...."- Yeah and these militants/leaders were behind the attacks of _____(insert whatever one) suicide bombing.
The Israeli's, for the most part, seem to be going after the leaders of these suicide attacks. The Palestinians seem to be doing suicide attacks because they knew a person that died because of the killing of a militant. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?