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Joined: 08/08/02
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08/31/2003 9:19 pm
Originally posted by PonyOne
Technically speaking, yes, Israel fired the first shot.

Cool , that's what I wanted to hear !

But in reality, i dunno, something about a massive troop buildup on the borders for 3 months

So that makes it legal for Pakistan to takeover India (if they could do it) or vice versa , yeah ?

The Palestinians messed it up for themselves, or at leas their leaders did. And they keep messing it up for themselves! They bomb an articulated bus filled with children coming back from the West Wall, and they don't see that it's so bad... then they fire a missile that blows up a car driven by the guy who organized that and a dozen other murders and they scream injustice. I hope that someday the Palestinians can look at their actions of the people they let lead them in the correct context, and see how their actions got them there.

First , I want to state that I never agreed with the idea of suicide bombing , or military actions against civilians by all means .
But , in the palestinian case , what they do is the RE-action not the action ... And the action was Israel destroying their homes , killing civilians (their families) , turning the rest into refugees (accepting only a few of them as citizens , not to affect the demography of Israel ... Racism ?).

And when Israel blow a car driven by some Hamas member or so , it's usualy a political leader ... Are you saying that it's ok to blow enemy's political or military leaders ? Cool , then the palestinians should know too that it's ok to blow Sharone's butt , along with his fellow military leaders.

And I know you harp on us getting poor media attention...

It wasn't directed at you man . :)

I don't think Israel is the infallible state many people seem to think, but I also know that there is a good portion of the Arab world who hears about a guy running into a cafe and shooting a bunch of Jewish college students is an act of "protest," and shooting that same guy is a "murder."

Don't try to make us look that bad , I don't even know how do they justify to themselves killing civilians or suicide bombing , but it's usualy a poor guy who's big brother was killed by the military for no reason , or his father has been in jail before he was born and just trying to have revenge in a similar way ... I'm not trying to jusitfy this either , but I think of suicide bombers as mentaly ill persons ,because of what Israel did to them and/or their families .

What a portion of the arab world may take as a heroic action , act of protest , occupation resistance , or whatever is actions against Israel military , like Hezbollah ... I don't know on what basis do they blame them for terrorism , cuz it's military actions against military targets .