Originally posted by Raskolnikov
...even though the consequences for not meeting the UN obligations have ALWAYS been invasion and regime change?...
I must have missed the news.You tell me.Besides the Taliban,what other regime has the US toppled?When was this?What were the circumstances?
I really would like to know,coz I haven't heard of this before.I mean,you're using the words "...consequences...have always been invasion and regime change..."
I've never heard about that.
About what America cares(or doesn't care about):
I think you've largely missed my point.It wasn't Saddam who bombed you.According to American media report,19 of those hijackers were Saudi.Not Iraq.Your govt.(as far as I've heard)isn't even associating Saddam with 911.Osama's the culprit.So I feel telling me about the 3000 lives lost doesn't weigh in on your reasons for going after Saddam.If in fact you're going after Saddam for 911,then I think that is misdirected anger,sincee like I said you're not linking Saddam to it.
My raising the question of what America cares about rose from my observation from your arguments that Saddam's a bad regime that should be removed,on the one hand,while on the other hand showing open support(not your arguments,Bush)for a similar ruler.
And just because I've never visited America does not necessarily mean I can't develop some understanding of America.Actions often speak louder than words.If America cared about people oppressed by bad regimes,then Bush wouldn't call our former president a good and strong leader of Kenya.If I was Bush,we wouldn't even have diplomatic relations.
That was my point.
About parole,you're never sent back to jail on suspicion of having broken your parole conditions.You're sent back to jail on the strength of hard and conclusive evidence.If you ask me,frrom Blix's report,you can't use the words hard and conclusive evidence.
[Edited by kingdavid on 02-28-2003 at 05:08 AM]