Hi, I would like to say that I am really enjoying the site and the instruction so far.
I would like to give a little bit of feedback about my begining experience so far. Since this is a instruction website what it lacks is some instruction on how to Navigate and use the website itself. There is a lot of content here and a lot to do.
One small example is going through the beginners leasons the instructor asks me to listen to him play with a Jam Track first, but then the video and lesson end. I did, however, notice that at the bottom where the notes were located that there was a "Jam Track" tab. This was AWESOME. But, since the instructor didn't mention it I could have easily missed it.
I think you have invested so much time into making this website so friendly to people with no experience playing that it would be a shame not to make a How to navigate the website and highlight the cool features such as the looping Jam Track.
I will add more about my personal experience as I continue the process and perhaps the feedback will be valuable for you.