Originally Posted by: Sour_Note the journey is the destination.
[br]Well said.
That's the quintessence of enjoying the learning of and actually playing guitar IMV&PE. Of particular relevance to those initially kicking off or restarting yet once again on that journey later in life.
[br]Regardless the motivation which may have fired up enthusiasm to commence the journey, once that initial novelty and enthusiasm has faded as it predictably will given human nature, if the primary reason for playing doesn't in time [u]become[/u] the intrinsic joy of playing -including the difficulties and their overcoming thereoff in learning the instrument, it's a very hard road where the many obstacles which naturally present and frustrate will provide emotional incentive to abandon the journey time and time again.
[br]Whilst realistic progressive goal setting of objectives is fine and necessary, enjoying the journey is paramount. [u]All[/u] of it. The critical keys I personally abide by are [u]repetition[/u] and [u]persistence[/u]. The 'mother' and 'father' of 'skill'. Other then the prodigy or savant -usually youthful, everyone else just has to put in the work, including the repetitious slog.
Didactic illustration of what has served me sucessfully.[br][br]