Thank you so much, all. It's nice to know I'm not alone in the pain department.
Yes, I am very motivated so I'm looking forward to soaking in a lot of music theory for both the guitar and ukulele. It's funny, ever since I've been learning uke music's helping me understand it for the guitar too. So I'll be reading lots of books and watching videos.
There's a chance this could be complicated by another auto immune disease that they are looking into also.
I am terrible at practicing and playing for way too long without breaks. I just get so into it! So,that has not helped. But if surgery is required, I will have it becaue the pain is so serious pick pains throughout my hand, wrist, palm, finger digits, and even shoots up to my elbow. It is causing problems with doing actual chores and anything non-guitar and uke playing. Even holding a phone can cause tons of pain sometimes.
I will definitely have to limit my playing from now on. I do have a very good PT team that see's me somewhat often for various pains and problems. So I'll know I'll be in good hands there.
“Often, what seems like an impossible climb is just a staircase without the steps drawn in.” Robert Brault, American Operatic Tenor