Originally Posted by: matonanjin2Dave,
good to have you back here. I hope your health issues are behind you.
Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
Thanks, definitely good to be back here.
Health issues may be a long term, chronic kind of deal. Not sure exactly what's going on, but may be some sort of auto-immune thing and/or vestibular system issue. Weakness, fatigue, balance issues and dizziness. No clear diagnosis. I'm feeling better than I was for awhile, and I think just learning to compensate and manage things for now while I work with various doctors and get different tests and scans done. The good news is MRI and CT scans aren't showing anything particularly noteworthy. I guess that's good news, anyway.
So for now, I'll pick up my guitar and play - just like yesterday.
It takes as long as it takes unless you quit - then it takes forever and you will never get there.