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Joined: 04/17/13
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Registered User
Joined: 04/17/13
Posts: 696
01/17/2021 3:58 pm

After just a week, it will probably not be as bad as when you first started to build those calluses. You have better tecnique and even if you lost some calluses on the finger tips they will return sooner than they originally arrived. Try to think of this as an opprotunity....

As you start playing again, pay attention to using just enough pressure to sound clear notes. By using an ever lighter pressure on the strings you can figure out just how much pressure that clean tone requires. If it is a clear tone... lighten up, if it comes out mutted... you probably need a little more pressure. Focus on that and practice using the lightest touch for the cleanest tone. There in lies that key to having minimal finger pain, now and for as long as you play the instrument. IT IS ABSOLUTLY NOT BRUTE STRENGTH.

Death grips are the down fall of anyone who uses them. You shouldn't bludgeon your fingers into compliance (think... Hammer to own head) Anything more than the minimum pressure needed to produce a clear tone, is a huge waste of your limitted energy. It also slows your ablity to play quickly, and will complicate changing chords cleanly and quickly.

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