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Joined: 02/02/20
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Joined: 02/02/20
Posts: 168
12/31/2020 1:29 am
Originally Posted by: jadaldouglas

Maybe i am not spending enough time but I have hit a wall. Everyday i start over with the 5 chord power pack and every day I have the same issues. Even with Em. The pain is so bad trying to play funky holiday all the way through that I am sweating half way through and have to stop....ONLY to realize that I was destroying it because I was touching the other strings the whole time. Oh and C or D! forget about it. I'm beginning to lose interest because if I can't play them I can't memorize them and THEN...THEN the next lesson is switching between these chords! Lord I can't get my fingers to play them all by themselves much less move between them smoothly.

SOMEONE please give me some advice or inspiration to keep at it.

Both ManX and Faith made some good points so I won`t repeat them here. But I do have a few more questions:

1) It sounds like you`re fighting your guitar. Are you having to press down REALLY hard to get a good sound ? If so, have your guitar set up looked at if you haven`t already. Maybe the action ( height of strings) is too high. Maybe a smaller guage of string could be switched in that will require less finger pressure. Perhaps you can even switch in all nylon strings for awhile until your calluses toughen up and your finger strength increases. 2 months is not a very long time so you`re still just starting out.

2) Like Faith said , I don`t know if you`re playing electric or acoustic. Guitars come in all shapes and sizes. Maybe you need a guitar with a wider fretboard to accomadate your fingers. I don`t know enough about your situation; just throwing these out there as possibilities.

3) Like ManX said, take a step back and figure out what`s giving you the most trouble. Then isolate that and just work on that for awhile. There`s no rush ; no need to put pressure on yourself.

Hope this helps a bit. Good luck .