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Joined: 02/17/18
Posts: 1,476
12/30/2020 11:35 pm

OK. Keep at it. = ]

Did you think it would be easy?

Seriously though. Back off, slow down, analyse what it is you are doing incorrectly in each individual case causing you the problem/s you are experiencing.

Sort one out, and you'll learn something plus improve confidence enormously. The other solutions will then follow like falling dominoes.

Everyone plateaus. It's part of learning. The solution is tenacity, use smart to analyse but don't overthink it, accept that it's a transitory phase, be patient, and know it will pass.

Other tips.

1. [u]Do use a string lube/ conditioner.[/u] I recommend Tone Finger Ease spray. It's the best string lube hands down in my opinion, but Dunlop Formula 65 which I use is pretty good too and better value. In your case, lash out on the best to help out those sore fingers.

2. [u]Be cognizant of how much fingertip pressure you are applying[/u] with fretting. It's characteristic of beginners to press too hard which makes the whole exercise harder for a myriad of reasons explained elsewhere on GT I'm not going to duplicate here.

I'm truly curious though. What problem [u]exactly[/u] are you having with Em? A chord just doesn't get any easier than that.