Originally Posted by: snojonesHell if you give up on chords, how will you ever play electric guitar?!
He could become a master of single-string-solos??
Just kidding, Matt -- I think we're all on your side here and we're all saying don't give up on chords!
We've all hit these walls in our learning adventure and a lot of us have talked about it here in the forum. A common theme is that we find ourselves getting frustrated and wondering if maybe this is just not going to happen. When we talk about it we usually find that we are being much too hard on ourselves. The struggle we are going through almost always turns out to be something that a lot of our peers have gone through as well.
Usually the way we get past these blockers is by backing off. Relax, work on something else. Find something that gives you some positive vibes again. Make friends with the guitar again. Then gradually ease back into whatever it is that is giving you fits.
The idea of practicing the same thing for 3 hours a day sounds like torture to me. Your brain and hands can only absorb and integrate a finite amount of new skills. Three hours a day is like trying to soak up an entire swimming pool with a 6 inch sponge.
Last thoughts: there is no deadline; this is not a contest; you are learning this to please yourself and no one else (or at least most of us say that); there is no grade; relax and don't put artificial pressure on yourself to feel like you should have a certain level of proficiency by now. What's the hurry? You're not going to master this in 6 months!
Good luck, and hang in there.
It takes as long as it takes unless you quit - then it takes forever and you will never get there.