Originally Posted by: bounceeThen there is people like me that never excel'd in anything theory, and just the mentiononing of any theory brings flash backs to days most forgotten. Back to a period in my life when I often got the feeling of defeat, books felt like huge mountains.[/quote]You've mentioned your trouble with theory a few times now. I'd like to help you with this. Can you say exactly what is frustrating you about learning it?
And just as importantly, what is your current skill level?
[quote=bouncee]I guess I am actually kind of scared to dig deep into the music theory, fearing it might actually beat me or worse even break or ground me down so hard I never find the spirit to try again. I've always been more of a hands on guy, but everyone keeps saying how important music theory is so nothing to do but to dive in deep.
Thanks to snojones for giving great advice! If you're following the GF 1 course, then you will learn that there are simple chords & basic open chords. You'll learn the musical alphabet. You'll learn how to count in time, 4/4 time & 3/4 time.
In GF2 you'll learn barre chords & basic minor & major scales.
All of that is music theory.
Music theory is the conceptual understanding of what you are physically doing while playing music on an instrument. And like the physical skills, it's something that you learn & apply a little at a time.
Just like you don't become a master guitar playing overnight, you don't become a master music theortician overnight. One step at a time.
And as I stated above, theorectical knowledge will surely help you learn or understand songs faster. But no amount of theoretical understanding will take the place of learning the physical motions of any song or technique. The technique takes time to get into your muscle memory no matter how much you understand the notes you are supposed to play.
Hope this helps!