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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 03/13/02
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 03/13/02
Posts: 3,827
12/10/2002 1:48 am
actually theres only 1 recording studio in this miserable town. So you'd think they have a monopoly right? No demand isn't really high in a town of 8000. So he offers a package of sorts Promotion, recording time and what not. Since he really don't have too much to do he didn't really want us to leave it was kinda weird. It really wasn't that expensive but we do get as much time as we want. The thing about that song was it was 9 minutes long two long solos that really took alot of time. We wanted to get it right so I guess we just took our time.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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